Articles : How to Create Your Own Decorated Hair Comb
Creating Your Own Decorated Hair CombBy Katharyne Thompson For centuries women around the world have adorned their hair with beautiful combs. You can create wonderful hair combs by using these two techniques. The first technique requires gluing objects directly to the top of the comb. The second technique is attaching beaded wire designs to the comb. You can combine both of these techniques to make a beautiful hair comb. For the wire technique I would suggest using a 28 gauge wire — it is small enough to fit into the holes of seed beads. To begin, measure the top length of the comb that you want to decorate. If combining the two techniques only measure the part of the comb you will be using the beaded wire on. Using fingernail clippers, cut the wire to double the length measured on the comb. Carefully fold the wire in half to create a crease. Take care that you don’t knot the wire. If the wire gets knotted, use a ruler or flat corner such as the side of a table to smooth the wire back out. Open the wire slightly and insert one end of the wire in between the first tooth until you reach the wire crease. You should now have one end of the wire on both sides of the comb with the wire fold inside of the comb. Bring both ends of the wire together on top of the comb and twist them together at the bottom. Before you can begin to add the beads you need to secure the wire to the comb. Wrap each end separately through the first tooth and back up to the top of the comb. This will secure the wire to the comb and you can begin to string the beads. The number of beads you need depends on the top length of the comb and the size of the beads you are using. You can experiment with different beads and designs. Try this basic design: use several small glass beads in two different colors, using one color of beads for each wire. String several beads of each color onto each of the wires, then twist both wires together at the bottom. Secure the wire to the comb by wrapping the wires around the comb through the closest tooth. Add a larger bead by inserting both wires through the larger beads and then twisting the wires together and securing the wires to the comb. Continue beading the wire and wrapping the wire under the next tooth until you have reached the desired length. You can get plain undecorated hair combs made out of wood, plastic or metal. Use an adhesive agent that works with wood, plastic and metal. When gluing objects to the comb, gather all the materials first. Practice with the designs by first setting up the objects on comb to be sure you like the design before you glue them on. As a general rule you should apply the tulle first, the feathers second, and the larger objects such as flowers last. Before you begin to make your hair comb decide on a theme. Below is a list of themes and the some suggestions on materials you can choose to use in your hair comb designs. Weddings, Religious Functions or Easter
Formal Parties
A Romantic Evening
Garden or Picnic Events
© 2005 Katharyne Thompson About the Author 04/21/05 |